3 Things I Learned Writing Online Every Day For 30 Days In A Row

30 days ago, I signed up for Dickie Bush & Nicolas Cole’s cohort-based course, Ship 30 for 30.

During that time, I wrote and published 30 Atomic Essays, learned the fundamentals of Digital Writing, made friends, and started gaining clarity over my niche. It has been a very rewarding journey, and I am more excited than ever to keep writing online.

Here are the 3 biggest things writing & publishing consistently every day for 30 days taught me:

1. You get other habits as a bonus

This writing habit kind of transformed into a consistent morning routine for me. I started my day with 30 min walk before I even started writing on something. Those are the moments I found my best ideas to write. Early morning walks became a muscle memory I look forward to daily.

2. You start to think clearer

Writing things down created clarity. Your perspective isn’t so good when you are at the centre of it. That’s why almost everybody feels like they are better at solving other people’s problems than their own. Writing things down changed my perspective to create clarity in my thinking.

3. You create a rich library of your thoughts

The more you write, the more you write, as Dickie & Cole said during the course. That just happened to me. And I realise that I keep referencing my Atomic Essays, some parts of them, or even the thinking behind them during my daily life, whether at work or personally. I keep sharing nuggets from those Atomic Essays to enrich my day-to-day conversations with people around me. I call this my mind palace. Even if nobody reads it, I am reading it.

Let me know if you have been thinking about getting started writing online too. I’m happy to share more about the experience and what I learned.


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