8 Life Lessons: Inspirational Insights for Facing Daily Challenges with Optimism and Strength

How do you motivate yourself consistently? 

That’s the question I’ve been asked “consistently”. I don’t have a magic formula. I’m not always motivated at all times, every single day, either. I try to minimise the noise and focus on the signal most of the time. Here are the 8 life lessons I’ve noted that I keep reminding myself constantly. They all are credited to better thinkers than myself. Maybe that’s the formula.

So if you’re looking for motivation for your day, here are the 8 life lessons that carry me through each day:

  1. You can’t control many things about life; it’s meaningless to overestimate yourself when you can’t control that much. Be aware of the sweet spot.
  2. You will always encounter difficulties, bad people, failures, and experience unexpected sad events.
  3. Know what you can and cannot do, but don’t feel inadequate; at each level, there is a reference level that will make you feel bad.
  4. If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think. 
  5. Ask these questions when evaluating a bad approach coming from a person: “What is this person’s place in my life, what could be in the future, should I prove something?” If you don’t have any concrete answers, don’t waste time with the bad approach. Ignore it.
  6. Always ask, “What have I learned from this, and what can I do to avoid next time” after every unpleasant moment in life.
  7. Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.
  8. Life is generous to the braves. There is no reason to have fear or not to start.


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