The Thinker’s Toolkit: 3 Reasons to Embrace Writing for Enhanced Decision-Making

Clear writing is a sign of clear thinking. 

You don’t know what you know until you try to express it. When you write things down, you also think through things. It refines your idea before you even share it with others. You get feedback firstly from yourself. 

  • Reason #1: Writing things down creates clarity. Your perspective isn’t so good when you are at the centre of it. That’s why almost everybody feels like they are better at solving other people’s problems than their own. Writing it down to make change your perspective, to create clarity.
  • Reason #2: Writing this down saves time and moves massesInstead of spending time discussing a half-baked idea, it’s better to share your thoughts as a write-up. Clear writing forces better thought and understanding of what’s more important than what and how things are related. When something’s written up, anyone can absorb it on their own time when they have the time. This will also enable asynchronous communication and save a tremendous amount of time. 
  • Reason #3: Writing things down reduce mental clutter. When you write it down, you free up your cognitive resources for (guess what?). To use it in more critical things, more impactful topics, things actually matter and create value. Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them, as David Allen said. 

Write it down so you can think better.


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