Entrepreneur’s Must-Read: 3 Books to Sharpen Leadership and Management Skills

I’m pretty sure you have seen the names of these books before since you’re an intelligent entrepreneur who wishes to grow and lead your team effectively. 

But not sure if you read them. If you haven’t, you’re missing so much, my friend. These 3 books are great for leadership and management skills, particularly for entrepreneurs. 

Why? Because instead of unnecessary corporate buzzword lingo, they teach REAL STUFF, like what motivates human beings, why vulnerability is crucial to be a leader, and how to avoid psychological pitfalls that can hinder your effective decision-making. 

3 Books to Sharpen Leadership and Manager Skills for Entrepreneurs

  1. “Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us” by Daniel H. Pink: An excellent and quick read. You’ll understand what motivates (scientifically) you, me, and us individuals. And that is a must-have skill for effective leadership. Start with this one.
  2. “Daring Greatly” by Brené Brown: Move to this next and be ready to rediscover yourself again. You’ll learn the power of vulnerability in leadership, well in life generally, to be honest—a must-read.
  3. The Art of Thinking Clearly” by Rolf Dobelli: Lastly, finish with one of my favs. You’ll learn various cognitive biases and logical fallacies that blur our judgment and forces us to have poor decision-making but not in a boring way, instead with enjoyable, accessible, informative short chapters.


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