Leading with Empathy: The Significance of 6 Levels of Listening for New Managers To Lead Their Team Effectively

Best leaders are great listeners.

A great listener involves more than just nodding; it requires active involvement and engagement with the speaker. You must be more intentional, ask helpful questions and connect with them. 

You can level up your listening game by learning the 6 listening levels to lead your team effectively, provided by Jack Zenger, the CEO of a leadership firm, Zenger/Folkman, that has transformed thousands of leaders and is the author of 13 books on this topic. 

Level 1: Create a safe environment. Make it feel safe for people to discuss complex issues. 

Level 2: Remove distractions. Nothing is worse than seeing someone working on their laptop or checking their mobile when speaking. As an effective leader (and listener), put those devices away, and focus on the speaker. 

Level 3: Understand the substance of what the speaker is saying. Play back what you’ve heard to validate your understanding. 

Level 4: Pay attention beyond words. Listen with your eyes at this stage, and pay attention to the body language and other signals. We communicate a lot with our hands. 

Level 5: Acknowledge feelings and emotions. Try to ask questions to explore emotions and feelings (but in a non-judgemental way!) Speaker should feel heard and understood. 

Level 6: Find a new perspective. At this stage, ask questions that help the speaker to reframe the situation and reveal underlying assumptions. This will help them to see the issue in a new light. 

So which level are you?


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