Looking for Motivation? These 5 Inspiring Quotes That Will Remind You How To Stay Motivated Today

It’s not easy staying motivated.

Especially when your goal is to be consistent daily and live your life with intention.

But anytime you feel like giving up, turn back to these 5 inspiring quotes (to remind you why you’re doing what you’re doing). They all are from my favourite thinker of our age, James Clear:

Double down on what is working best.

I love it because it is a dead simple mindset shift; you can apply almost everything daily.

You’ll feel better once you get started.

I love it because I’m biased toward action; even if it is a small step towards your desired direction, take it.

You don’t always get to choose the load, but you can choose how to carry it.

I love it because it encourages you to focus on what you can control. Control the controllable, and stop worrying about the rest.

The most invisible form of wasted time is doing a good job on an unimportant task.

I love it because it encourages me to keep asking what is the highest leverage thing I can do it.

The best way to change the world is in concentric circles: start with yourself and work your way out from there.

I love it because I sincerely believe it. Be the change you wish to see in the world.


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