New Manager Struggling with 1:1s? Could Asking These 4 Simple Questions Be Your Solution?

Leadership is all about asking the right questions at the right time.

I struggled to connect deeply at an individual level with my team when I first became a manager. All we were talking about was the work at hand instead of their personal growth and how I could help them to thrive in their growth journey. Until I invented a regular meeting: “Are we on the same page?” 

This meeting was about reviewing the four categories below from my point of view and my direct reports’ point of view. 

4 Simple Questions To Ask:

When you think about the last X days/weeks/months: 

  • (KEEP): What are you doing and well and need to keep doing? My answer, their answer. If overlapping, perfect. Keep doing them. If not, get an alignment. That’s where the mutual feedback exchange happens and growth starts. 
  • (IMPROVE): What are you already doing that could be improved to make us an even more efficient team and you as an individual? My answer, their answer. If overlapping, perfect. If not, get an alignment, and start improving them. 
  • (STOP): What do you need to stop doing? – Because it no longer contributes to your personal and business goals or is no longer effective? Same as above. Stop doing the mutually agreed stuff. 
  • (START): What do you need to start doing that you haven’t been doing that might contribute to your personal and business goals or would be effective? Same as above. Stop doing the mutually agreed stuff. 


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